TranSierra Norte - entries now open.

TranSierra Logo

TranSierra Norte is a multiday Mountain Bike race where advanced and expert racers meet up to celebrate the famous tradition better known as "The Day of the Dead". DYEDBRO are proud sponsors of this event.

Racing bikes along the North Mountain Range of Oaxaca, Mexico, the intention of this event is to push trail exploration and have new and blind tracks to race every year. We also support the growth of the outdoor industry in the communities of Sierra Norte and promote the culture and festivities in the region with a bike party filled with an authentic flavour.

Get shreddy

Based on the Enduro format, the race will be an individual race with 12-16 timed stages with an average of 90% descending and the other 0% a mix of flat sections and short climbs. Some of the transitions will be pedally and some will be shuttle assisted.
Every day has to be completed in a pre-established overall time; otherwise, a time penalty will be applied to the participant. The total sum of the timed stages will be the final result of the racer.
Will we see you there?

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